The Pursuit of Health Podcast

Ep67: Health Data, Ownership and Transparency w/Dr. Jordi Piera Jiménez

Dr. Eric Fethke

A conversation with Dr. Jordi Piera Jiménez

Our money comes with us wherever we go, so why doesn’t our health data?

Sharing his innovative vision for transforming the way we use electronic health records and investing in prevention and patient empowerment, is Dr. Jordi Piera Jiménez.

As Director of the Digital Health Strategy at the Catalan Health Service in Spain, Dr. Jiménez shares a blueprint for modern healthcare that unites patient data  in an open platform - ultimately unlocking its full potential.


We spoke about digital medicine and health informatics, open electronic health records, adjusted morbidity groups to guide medical and public health decision making, and the concepts of federalization or centralization of electronic health records and information.

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