The Pursuit of Health Podcast

Ep50: How To Persevere As A Family When Faced With A Child’s Heart Defect-Justin and Ashley George

Dr. Eric Fethke

A conversation with Justin and Ashley K. George

Resilience is a muscle. The challenges don’t get easier, we just get stronger at handling them.

A couple who know this from experience are Justin and Ashley K. George.

When their son Elliot was diagnosed with a heart defect, it took everything for them to stay strong amidst the crisis, counting the support they received from family, medical professionals and co-workers as essential.


We spoke about Elliot’s story, the issues of navigating employment during a difficult time, the importance of community and of family, recommendations for policymakers and physicians, and Ashley’s recently published children’s book A Heart Warrior Blooms.

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My brand new book, The Privilege of Caring, is out now on Amazon!